Finding Grace in Life’s Unpredictable Transformations

Once upon a time, a sparrow spoke to a butterfly.
🐦 The sparrow said:
"When I look at you, I can see that you used to be a caterpillar. Back then, you crawled around in the vegetable gardens and couldn't move freely.
But eventually, you attached yourself to a leaf and transformed into a butterfly.
Now, you visit flowers, chase after their sweet smells, and fly around as you please. This must be so much better than before.
Even though I'm just a small bird, I can fly and walk wherever I want. But I've heard that in September, I will turn into a clam and live in the ocean 🌊
Clams don't have eyes, noses, hands, or feet. They hide in their shells and only stick out their tongues sometimes, not knowing what they're eating.
They roll around in the water, even when it's very cold, and bury themselves in the sand.
What will I do if I become a clam?
It would have been easier if I had been born a clam because then I wouldn't know any different.
But turning from a sparrow that enjoys flying in the mountains and forests into a clam that suffers in the water would be so hard.
Thinking about this makes me sad.
You must have good karma to change from a caterpillar into a free butterfly.
I must have bad karma to change from a flying bird into a clam."
🦋 The butterfly, seeing the sparrow's tears, replied:
"There's no need to be sad.
You’re not really going downhill, and I haven't really moved up.
I didn't plan to become a butterfly; it just happened.
I don't even remember being a caterpillar.
I just lived as a caterpillar without thinking about it.
Long ago, a man named Chuang Tzu dreamed he was a butterfly.
In the dream, he was completely a butterfly and didn't know he was a man. When he woke up, he was Chuang Tzu again.
He wondered, 'Did I dream I was a butterfly, or is a butterfly now dreaming it is me?'
Change is like that.
When you turn into a clam in September, you will go with the flow of nature without realizing it.
You won't even know you're entering the sea.
Just like getting drunk and falling asleep, you won’t be aware of the change.
After you become a clam, your current sparrow mind will be gone, and you’ll have a clam’s mind.
You’ll live in the water, but you won’t feel cold.
You'll roll with the tides and live a clam’s life.
When your body changes, your mind and spirit change with it. Right now, you are a sparrow, so you have a sparrow’s mind and spirit. When you become a clam, you will have a clam’s mind and spirit. The mind follows the body, and when the body changes, the mind changes too."
In essence, this tale reminds us that change is the only constant in life.
Our journey, like that of the sparrow and butterfly, is one of continuous transformation.
By trusting the natural flow of life, living in the present, and understanding that our consciousness adapts to new circumstances, we can find peace amidst life’s ever-shifting landscape.
Remember, it’s not the change itself, but our perception of it that defines our experience and shapes our growth.
Many blessings, and thanks for reading!
Your friend,
—Dr. D

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Man must see that nothing really is, but that everything is always becoming and changing.
Nothing stands still.
Everything is being born, growing and dying.
The very instant a thing reaches its height, it begins to decline.
The law of rhythm is in constant operation.
There is no reality.
There is no enduring quality, fixity or substantiality in anything.
Nothing is permanent but change.
Man must see all things evolving from other things and resolving him to other things, a constant action or reaction, inflow or outflow, building up or tearing down, creation or destruction, birth and growth and death.
Nothing is real, and nothing endures but change.
—The Kybalion
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